Wordle your Hiring: LEVEL up Your Business
In the last few months, Wordle has taken the world by storm. It seems like you can’t scroll through any social media site without seeing someone bragging about their little yellow and green squares. Creating something like Wordle takes a team of creative and knowledgeable people, so when it comes to hiring, why not take a page from their book
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Job Seekers: How to avoid a “Tinder Swindler” Scenario
It’s safe to say that The Tinder Swindler, Netflix’s documentary about a conman who uses dating apps to target his victims, has taken the world by storm. You might be horrified at how cruel some people can be. Maybe you’re intrigued as to how he got away with his scheme for so long. You may believe that you could never
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SMEs & Hiring: 5 Tips
Hiring can take hours – especially for SMEs. When you are trying to run your own business, send out invoices, chase money, think up the strategy and even find time to get a bite to eat – it can also be the one thing you give the least amount of attention. But we all know if you hire the right
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Hiring for the first time: what you need to know
Hiring can be intimidating – especially if you’re a smaller company. Where do you start? What are you really looking for? What if you make the wrong decision? Here are 6 things to keep in mind when hiring for the first time. 1. It can take longer than expected to hire According to the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM)
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Your Job Search: 3 Ways AI is Making it Easier
AI (Artificial Intelligence) can sound intimidating, but it’s part of our everyday lives – in the video games we play, the algorithms that run our social media sites, and in many of the financial services we use daily. It’s also helping change the way recruiters source candidates. Here are 3 ways AI is making your job search easier. 1. Helps
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How to Avoid Lying Resumes: Tips to Look for the Right One
Written by Guest Author: Aubrey L Are you in a rush to hire someone? In your desire to fill a position, you could get victimized by resumes that are not true. Even if it’s possible to recruit someone in 24 hours, you should still check out your applicant’s background. Remember, someone with a false resume is lying. Can you really