Permalink to: Losing My Job in 2020: 5 Things I Learned

Losing My Job in 2020: 5 Things I Learned

I learned many lessons in 2020 – some of the most difficult and valuable when I was retrenched. Unless you’ve been there yourself, it’s difficult to describe the sick sort of what now? feeling that follows the words “we’re going to have to let you go”. I’m thankfully on the other side of it now and while it was by
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Permalink to: 7 Ways to Grow Your Business in December

7 Ways to Grow Your Business in December

Unless you work in retail, December is probably a quiet business month. While this can cause anxiety around cash flow, there are ways to make the quieter time work for you. Here are 7 ways to work on your business over December. 1. Don’t delay the recruitment process It can take a while to find the right team member, so
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Permalink to: 8 Ways to Impress Employers and Recruiters

8 Ways to Impress Employers and Recruiters

From the moment you send in your application, to the moment the application process is over, the main goal of your job search should be impressing potential employers and recruiters. While each company has a slightly different approach to how they do things, here are 8 easy ways to make a good impression. 1. Make sure you thoroughly read and
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Permalink to: 3 Great Reasons to Hire BEFORE January

3 Great Reasons to Hire BEFORE January

Year-end hiring is a contentious issue in the world of recruitment. Many recruiters and employers insist that it’s a bad idea to hire at the end of the year when things are slowing down anyway and prefer to resume hiring in the new year. Here are 3 reasons we think that sooner is better than later. 1. Good talent doesn’t
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Permalink to: 21 Catchy Subject Lines to Get Your Application Noticed

21 Catchy Subject Lines to Get Your Application Noticed

Almost everyone nowadays applies for roles digitally. This means that your application could be one of hundreds sitting in the inbox of the recruitment agent or HR professional you submitted it to. It’s vital that your application stands out among the rest, and your first impression happens in your email subject line. An interesting and eye-catching subject line is more
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Permalink to: “I was placed in a month.” – Halima Rust

“I was placed in a month.” – Halima Rust

Our journey with Halima began in 2015 when we put her forward for a Technical Test Analyst Role at DOS. “I was going through a hectic time in my life. My dad’s health wasn’t good at the time, I had just lost my mother, and the company I was working for announced that they would be closing. The Job Crystal
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Permalink to: 7 Tips for Overcoming Confrontation Anxiety

7 Tips for Overcoming Confrontation Anxiety

7 Tips for Overcoming Confrontation Anxiety There are very few people who enjoy confrontation – they’re called difficult conversations for a reason. Unfortunately, they’re also an inevitable part of working with other people. If you’re someone who tends to shy away from the awkwardness of confronting an employee or co-worker, these 7 tips are good starting point for overcoming that
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