How to resign?
In this article we will explain what to do before you resign, how to resign (with an example), how to handle the ‘break-up’ and finally what to do in your notice period.
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How to find a (great) job in South Africa?
Over my 23-year career I have been in one of these situations at any one time and learnt some things along the way. We hope by sharing how to find a job – helps you in winning half the battle in getting a job.
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5 Little Things That Can Tell You A Lot About a Candidate
We hear from numerous studies that interviews are not a valid indicator for an ideal match between candidate and job. We agree with many of these sentiments, it should be the interview, with an assessment, background checks and references to help you make that final hiring decision. But in the interview and around the screening process you can find 5 little things that will tell you a lot about a candidate …
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The pros and cons to adding a photo to your CV
When it comes to your CV or resume should you add a photo? Knowing about a natural bias that everyone has, the jury is still out on if it helps you land the job or does an automatic reject. If you are adamant to add a photo see some tips below, but remember about 50% of recruiters say do not add any photo.
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The ONE way to reduce your hiring costs.
The Job Crystal study on ‘time to hire one new employee’, showed on average 33 hours. This was from the start of creating the job description, to advertising, answering applicants, screening, sourcing, interviewing, completing background checks and ending in the offer being negotiated and accepted. 33 hours for one person working a standard month of 173 hours, equates to 20% of their working month.
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5 ways to prepare for a video interview
Video interviews are the norm now days in the pandemic, and we do not see them going anywhere soon. So rather than ‘fight’ against it read our ‘tips and tricks’ on how to conquer the video interview (and have a few laughs on what has happened in some of our video interviews).
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The mistakes you make in hiring no one will tell you
Hiring is easy:
- Advertise a job
- Screen applications
- Interview
- Hire
So easy yet this is one of the most difficult parts of leading a team, department, or company. What happens when you keep hiring and the people you hire keep leaving? We have a few clients (and ourselves at times) when we just cannot find a suitable candidate who we hire and who stays for a number of years! Why is this? Find our top 5 hiring mistakes:
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My story on how I stood out from the crowd (when job searching)
My story is not hugely different from many, I started my career with no degree as I did not know what I wanted to do for a living. I worked hard and I got retrenched, four times to be exact (twice I had to retrench myself as it was the company I was heading up). Each time I had to dust myself off and get back on to the job search challenge. And each time I figured out better and smarter ways to stand out from the crowd (the job search crowd). So today I thought I would share what I learnt each time ….
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5 ways from experts to help you decide who is the perfect hire
Steve Jobs said it best ‘Hiring the best is your most important job’. We have seen over many years how small businesses have gone from 1 employee to 100 by hiring the best. The best does not necessarily cost the most, and is often a mix of fit, expertise and attitude. But when you find more than one good hire – which one is the best?