2020 will be the year of surprise, that many ‘knew’ was coming but never actually believed would be in our lifetime. It defined who we are as individuals, it defined the word ‘pivot’ for so many and ensured our health, family and homes became our priority. We at Job Crystal (www.jobcrystal.co.za) were the lucky (and incredibly grateful) ones, we not
Do you really know who you are hiring?
My story on when hiring can go very wrong, learn some lessons to ensure you hire well and safely.
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5 reasons why you did not get the job
Job search and retrenchment and what hind sight has got to do with this? A few years back I was running a new start-up and we hit a wall when searching for our 2nd round of funding. Unfortunately, we closed our doors and I had to retrench myself (it would be the first time, but not the last). While I
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5 things I learnt while hiring a CEO
The past few weeks I have been assisting an NPO hire their new CEO, being part of the decision making, and not just the screening process. I remembered how much more invested you get into the process and how long it can take. What did I learn? Lots … Score the answers to the questions I think the reason I
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5 recruiting myths we don’t believe any more
As in every part of society, myths and legends exist – we recently saw a study of some recruiting myths which aren’t accurate any longer. See below the top 5 recruiting myths: The strongest interviewees always make the best hires – often interviewers mistake confidence for capability. However, if a person can sell themselves it often means they are good at exactly that, selling themselves
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Are you using questions to ask what you want to know or what you already know?
In a recent study, we found clients/recruiters were asking candidates questions in such a way that the candidates were answering with what the recruiter wanted to hear. How, you ask, is this done?With yes/no questions like ‘How do you prefer to work? For example, do you like to work like we do?’ Leading questions, which are used more frequently than
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On a scale of 1 to 10, how weird are you?
Over the past two weeks we have been running a social media campaign with our team, showcasing the most different, funniest and strangest interview questions we have heard being used (or at times have used ourselves), and we thought we would share them for a good laugh. So please enjoy our top 10 ‘different’ interview questions: If you could have any superpower,
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How to be a lie detector during an interview?
When you’re hiring a candidate for a potential role at your company, you hope that they’re truthful in the interview. Unfortunately, the majority of people embellish their answers. While some of these overstatements may be harmless, others might cause you to make a hiring mistake. To get to the truth, a suggestion is to start every interview by asking the candidate
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Do you hire well?
Steve Jobs said, “Hiring the best is your most important task.” Verne Harnish, author of Mastering the Rockefeller Habits (a must read), says you should hire so well, that one person should replace three people. How much quality time do we put into finding the ideal person? Do we create a job specification with the same care we use to create a