Permalink to: The pros and cons to adding a photo to your CV

The pros and cons to adding a photo to your CV

When it comes to your CV or resume should you add a photo? Knowing about a natural bias that everyone has, the jury is still out on if it helps you land the job or does an automatic reject. If you are adamant to add a photo see some tips below, but remember about 50% of recruiters say do not add any photo.
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Permalink to: 5 ways to prepare for a video interview

5 ways to prepare for a video interview

Video interviews are the norm now days in the pandemic, and we do not see them going anywhere soon. So rather than ‘fight’ against it read our ‘tips and tricks’ on how to conquer the video interview (and have a few laughs on what has happened in some of our video interviews).
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Permalink to: My story on how I stood out from the crowd (when job searching)

My story on how I stood out from the crowd (when job searching)

My story is not hugely different from many, I started my career with no degree as I did not know what I wanted to do for a living. I worked hard and I got retrenched, four times to be exact (twice I had to retrench myself as it was the company I was heading up). Each time I had to dust myself off and get back on to the job search challenge. And each time I figured out better and smarter ways to stand out from the crowd (the job search crowd). So today I thought I would share what I learnt each time ….
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Permalink to: Get rid of being unemployed, once and for all

Get rid of being unemployed, once and for all

I have shared previously how I was retrenched and dug my way out of the unemployment hole a few times. While more and more people are being made redundant, retrenched, or put-on short time I have a few options while you job search. I share these 7 ideas when I get a CV sent to me and hope they can help you go from unemployed to employed in a different way
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Permalink to: Why no one replies to your job applications.

Why no one replies to your job applications.

2021 has arrived and you have decided it is time for a new job (or you were affected badly by COVID-19 and retrenched and need a job). You start your job search on,,,,,, You find great roles; you submit your application via the website or by email and then ……. (cricket sounds) …. Nothing ….
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