Happy new year! Are you starting off 2023 looking to get employed? We’re here to help! The best part of a new year is the resolutions, so we’ve put together this easy-to-stick-to list just for you.
1. Get employed by being realistic, but also optimistic
Sit down and think about what your skills are. List them, if you have the time. That way you’re starting with a base of what you can already do. When you’re applying for roles, it’s best to stick to ones that match your skillset. That way you can be sure that you’re qualified for the role you’re applying for.
That said, there may be some roles where you have most of the skills but not all of them. Don’t discount yourself. You can still apply – just be aware of and honest about where the gaps are. Make it clear in your application that you know you are missing a required skill. But then also communicate that you are willing to learn. Better yet, show how you’re already taking steps to learn – even if it’s just a YouTube tutorial for now. At the end of the day, willingness to learn and adapt is one of the most sought-after skills in the workplace. Showing this in the application process already sets you apart.
2. Build new skills where you can
Not only does a wider skillset give you more marketability, but you’re also keeping your mind sharp. Focus first on skills relevant to your career path or industry, but don’t limit yourself. If you see a course in something that interests you, go for it. You would be surprised how often skills gained outside of your scope of work actually become handy at the office.
And don’t forget to work on your soft skills! These are skills that are applicable in every workplace and often get overlooked when you’re looking to get employed. Here is a list of key soft skills:
- Teamwork
- Coordination
- Conflict Resolution
- Leadership
- Time Management
- Problem-Solving
- Empathy
- Decision-Making
There are many more to grow and develop. Start with the ones you know you struggle most with and work on building those up. It will give you a stronger overall foundation. After that, you can focus on building the ones you’ve got a handle on already so that you’re not just good at them – you’re excellent.
3. Grow your network to increase your opportunities for getting employed
Introverts, before you panic, this doesn’t necessarily mean being a social butterfly. It just means being intentional about building connections with others around you, whether in person or virtually.
Sign up for events in your career field or industry. This will not only give you a chance to learn more and gather information relevant to your career, but it will also afford you the opportunity to meet new people in your industry. Make conversation where you can, and ensure some way of keeping contact, even if it’s just a connection on LinkedIn. This also works with webinars, although to a lesser extent. Try to connect with your fellow attendees. The more people you know, the more chance you have at finding an opportunity to get employed.
It’s also important to be active online. Join social media groups, discussion boards, and forums. And don’t just casually observe – get involved in the conversation. The more people see you contributing to online discussions in a meaningful and authentic way, the more likely it is that you will be approached with opportunities.
4. Get employed by working on your confidence and authenticity
These two things have to go hand-in-hand. Confidence without authenticity comes across as arrogance and dishonesty. Authenticity without confidence comes across as lack of ability. Be honest in your communication and remember to believe in what you’re saying. Selling yourself short is just as dishonest as overselling your skills.
People connect with people, so it’s also important to bring across your personality and values in your application if you want to get employed. This is important in your CV (that’s why colour and a good design is so helpful), but it’s especially important in your cover letter, application email, and your interviews (both screening and formal). Communicate who you are. This makes it easier for the recruiter or employer to get an idea of how you would fit into their team.
5. Give yourself space
Job seeking is one of the hardest life events to go through. You’re facing rejection constantly, and it can be hard to stay motivated. That’s why it’s important to give yourself space while you search. Give yourself “wins” to work toward – even if it’s just hearing back regarding an application. By focusing on successes along the way, you can learn to handle all the “NOs” that come your way.
Find a way of dealing with disappointment – whether it’s a walk, time with a book, or a physical treat, giving yourself something positive to focus on will take away some of the sting of not getting the job.
And give yourself permission to take breaks! Job seeking is stressful and doing it all day every day will take a toll. Set yourself time to work on applications and then walk away and do something else. Keeping optimistic and motivated on your search will help with all the other points above, and will help protect your mental health in the long run. There’s many opportunities and only one you, so be kind to yourself.
There’s no right or wrong way to do a job search. Remember to work smarter, not harder, and always be building connections and skills. You’ll find that 2023 will be your year.
You’ve got this!