Permalink to: 5 Tips for Battling Job-Search Burnout

5 Tips for Battling Job-Search Burnout

Any job-search is stressful, and more so when you don’t have work. Understandably, when in this situation, many of us fall into job-search burnout. Here are some things to look out for on your job search and advice on how to get out of that rut. 1. Check in with yourself regularly Don’t neglect yourself in the process of finding
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Permalink to: Jobs And Titles – How to Make Employment Easier?

Jobs And Titles – How to Make Employment Easier?

Jobs and Job Titles are linked critically to an immediate view of what the job will entail. Example “Personal Assistant” we immediately think of a person who will assist a manager with answering phones, travel arrangements and administration. Another example is “Manager” immediately think of someone that leads a team of employees. Want to save hours in hiring? Then ensure your Job Title is ideal for the role.
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Permalink to: I was retrenched – what now?

I was retrenched – what now?

There are few things more disappointing or stressful than being let go. Not only do you have to grapple with all the emotions it comes with, but you’re also left with the anxiety of being without income. While there’s not much you can do about actually getting retrenched, here are some quick tips on how to keep your head above
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Permalink to: Do I really need a cover letter?

Do I really need a cover letter?

If you’ve been on the job market for any amount of time, you’ve probably encountered job adverts that ask you to send a cover letter. But why are they necessary, when are they necessary, and how do you write an effective one? Here is a quick guide: Why are cover letters helpful? Cover letters: Help you sell your skills and
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Permalink to: When is it Time to Look for a New Job?

When is it Time to Look for a New Job?

Do you have a nagging feeling that something’s not right in your current role? Are you unsure of if it means you should talk things out or move on to something else? It can be difficult to know what to do when you’re in the thick of things. Here are some points to check off for yourself when making your
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Permalink to: 5 Simple CV Hacks for Getting the Job

5 Simple CV Hacks for Getting the Job

It’s a tough job market out there. More than ever, it’s vital to have a CV that gets your foot in the door. Thankfully, we have 5 simple hacks for helping you create a CV that gives you an edge when applying for your dream job. 1. Focus on your achievements Far more than wanting to know what you did
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Permalink to: 3 easy apps to save you time (tried and tested)

3 easy apps to save you time (tried and tested)

We are some of the lucky working parents out there, we have a great support system and we happen to be technology savvy. Having said that we are just like every other parent out there during a lockdown in a pandemic, we have kids jumping into zoom calls, a house to sort out, a goal to get to 0 emails each day and so many lists of things to go, to get, to buy, to focus on, to read, to…. You get the point.
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