Over the past two weeks we have been running a social media campaign with our team, showcasing the most different, funniest and strangest interview questions we have heard being used (or at times have used ourselves), and we thought we would share them for a good laugh. So please enjoy our top 10 ‘different’ interview questions: If you could have any superpower,
How to be a lie detector during an interview?
When you’re hiring a candidate for a potential role at your company, you hope that they’re truthful in the interview. Unfortunately, the majority of people embellish their answers. While some of these overstatements may be harmless, others might cause you to make a hiring mistake. To get to the truth, a suggestion is to start every interview by asking the candidate
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Do you hire well?
Steve Jobs said, “Hiring the best is your most important task.” Verne Harnish, author of Mastering the Rockefeller Habits (a must read), says you should hire so well, that one person should replace three people. How much quality time do we put into finding the ideal person? Do we create a job specification with the same care we use to create a