Permalink to: The ONE way to reduce your hiring costs.

The ONE way to reduce your hiring costs.

The Job Crystal study on ‘time to hire one new employee’, showed on average 33 hours. This was from the start of creating the job description, to advertising, answering applicants, screening, sourcing, interviewing, completing background checks and ending in the offer being negotiated and accepted. 33 hours for one person working a standard month of 173 hours, equates to 20% of their working month.
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Permalink to: The mistakes you make in hiring no one will tell you

The mistakes you make in hiring no one will tell you

Hiring is easy:

  1. Advertise a job
  2. Screen applications
  3. Interview
  4. Hire

So easy yet this is one of the most difficult parts of leading a team, department, or company. What happens when you keep hiring and the people you hire keep leaving? We have a few clients (and ourselves at times) when we just cannot find a suitable candidate who we hire and who stays for a number of years! Why is this? Find our top 5 hiring mistakes:

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Permalink to: Hire Slow, Fire Fast or Hire Smart, Fire less

Hire Slow, Fire Fast or Hire Smart, Fire less

I am copying the title of Jim Calloway’s article on hiring within law firms. It resonated with me as I have heard all week from clients who have been hearing ‘hire slow, fire fast’. This saying has never rested well with me as having recruited over the past 20 years, I would say 80% of the roles I recruited I always needed urgently. Not because of bad planning, but because of opportunities we found. Being in the IT side of many industries, change and hiring are the constant – its just what change and what skills.
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Permalink to: 3 Great Reasons to Hire BEFORE January

3 Great Reasons to Hire BEFORE January

Year-end hiring is a contentious issue in the world of recruitment. Many recruiters and employers insist that it’s a bad idea to hire at the end of the year when things are slowing down anyway and prefer to resume hiring in the new year. Here are 3 reasons we think that sooner is better than later. 1. Good talent doesn’t
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