Permalink to: The Perfect Match: How to Find Your Ideal Company Culture

The Perfect Match: How to Find Your Ideal Company Culture

When it comes to looking for your ideal job, finding the perfect fit goes beyond just skills and qualifications. Understanding and aligning with a company’s culture and values are integral to long-term job satisfaction and success. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of this alignment and provide practical guidance for job seekers on how to navigate this crucial
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Permalink to: SMEs: Your Year-End Checklist

SMEs: Your Year-End Checklist

As we approach the final stretch of another year, many of us are eagerly anticipating a well-deserved break with friends and family and an opportunity to recharge for the challenges of the upcoming year. However, for SME owners and businesses alike, considerations for a smooth year-end operation are vital. Balancing expectations from staff regarding bonuses, 13th paychecks, and holiday leave,
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Permalink to: 7 Steps to Negotiating a Bonus

7 Steps to Negotiating a Bonus

Negotiating a bonus can be a crucial step in advancing your career and ensuring you’re fairly rewarded for your hard work and contributions. In this blog post, we will walk you through seven essential steps to master the art of bonus negotiation, whether you’re seeking a bonus or aiming for a higher one. These steps are not only valuable in
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Permalink to: 3 Rules for a Successful Job Search

3 Rules for a Successful Job Search

No one’s ever excited about a job search. Not only is it hard work, the constant cycle of built-up expectations and rejection can be emotionally taxing too. Thankfully, there are ways to make it easier for yourself. Here are 3 rules that will help you make your job search a success. 1. Don’t apply for every role you see When
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Permalink to: Why you didn’t hire the best

Why you didn’t hire the best

We often question when we hire the wrong person, how did it go so wrong? Working in recruitment and hiring for my own team, hindsight often tells me where it all went wrong. Find our Top 5 reasons ‘why you didn’t hire the best’:
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Permalink to: The ONE way to reduce your hiring costs.

The ONE way to reduce your hiring costs.

The Job Crystal study on ‘time to hire one new employee’, showed on average 33 hours. This was from the start of creating the job description, to advertising, answering applicants, screening, sourcing, interviewing, completing background checks and ending in the offer being negotiated and accepted. 33 hours for one person working a standard month of 173 hours, equates to 20% of their working month.
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Permalink to: 5 ways from experts to help you decide who is the perfect hire

5 ways from experts to help you decide who is the perfect hire

Steve Jobs said it best ‘Hiring the best is your most important job’. We have seen over many years how small businesses have gone from 1 employee to 100 by hiring the best. The best does not necessarily cost the most, and is often a mix of fit, expertise and attitude. But when you find more than one good hire – which one is the best?
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Permalink to: 3 Great Reasons to Hire BEFORE January

3 Great Reasons to Hire BEFORE January

Year-end hiring is a contentious issue in the world of recruitment. Many recruiters and employers insist that it’s a bad idea to hire at the end of the year when things are slowing down anyway and prefer to resume hiring in the new year. Here are 3 reasons we think that sooner is better than later. 1. Good talent doesn’t
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