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Talent Retention: Are You Using Bonuses Effectively?

A hot-button topic the world of recruitment, talent acquisition, and talent retention (especially at this time of the year) is bonuses. Why do we pay them? What are the most common kinds of bonuses? What are some alternatives to the cash bonus? We’ll explore these questions and delve into how you can use bonuses and incentives to attract and retain
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Permalink to: 3 Rules for a Successful Job Search

3 Rules for a Successful Job Search

No one’s ever excited about a job search. Not only is it hard work, the constant cycle of built-up expectations and rejection can be emotionally taxing too. Thankfully, there are ways to make it easier for yourself. Here are 3 rules that will help you make your job search a success. 1. Don’t apply for every role you see When
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Permalink to: Media Release | Meet CRYSTAL, changing the way SMEs recruit

Media Release | Meet CRYSTAL, changing the way SMEs recruit

With the global pandemic roiling labour markets across the world for the past two years, the recruitment industry has a particularly vital role to play in getting people back to work and helping employers find the talent they need quickly and efficiently. One of the most important drivers of South Africa’s economic recovery is for industry to have the right people in the right jobs. This is one of the factors driving the escalating development and uptake of RecTech, new tools and applications that are disrupting and improving conventional recruitment processes and practices.
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Permalink to: 21 lessons which created a thriving business in 2020

21 lessons which created a thriving business in 2020

2020 will be the year of surprise, that many ‘knew’ was coming but never actually believed would be in our lifetime. It defined who we are as individuals, it defined the word ‘pivot’ for so many and ensured our health, family and homes became our priority. We at Job Crystal ( were the lucky (and incredibly grateful) ones, we not
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