Here’s how we can help

Do you know who you’re hiring?
Finding a teammate can be expensive if you don’t do it right the first time, so you want to avoid making hiring mistakes. Basic background checks are important to make sure applicants are all they are claiming to be.

Driver’s License Checks
Social Media
Fraud Checks
Criminal Checks
Reference Checks
Disc Profiling
Our process
Step 1
Get your candidate to sign a consent form (electronically or uploaded)
Step 2
Upload ID & Optional additional files
Step 3
Choose from the complete package of background checks, or tailor your checks to your needs
You get sent the results straight to your inbox
Starting from R15

How do you save time on hiring?
Hiring takes time, and the longer it takes tohire, the more expensive it gets. You alsorisk missing out on great talent. A lot of thetime spent on hiring is admin-related.
Crystal ATS is a cloud-based ApplicantTracking System that lets you save, sort,and stay in contact with your candidates –all automated an in one place.
We use Crystal ATS daily in our own processes and are constantly addingfeatures and time saving automation, sothe system is always being streamlinedand improved .
Here’s what you can do with CRYSTAL ATS:
Track your
your jobs
Do automated
reference checks
Search your
Move away from
Get constant time-saving
system updates
Starting from R4995
Head on over to
Job Crystal | Jobs and Career AI Portal for more on this and other powerful recruiting tools.
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